ini kisah 3 bestpren 4ever yg aku reka tuk student aku,,kalo la dorang ade terbukak blog aku neh,,kalo x wat letih den jo,,Alkesahnyer,,
Two atoms bump into each other. One says 'I think I lost an electron!' The other asks, 'Are you sure?', to which the first replies, 'I'm positive!!!.'
then,kedue-due atom ni jalan2 masuk bar,,(opss!utk makluman,dorang ni non-muslim,hehe,,)tetibe,,tersrompak dgn mamat name Neutron..these atoms ni baek ati nk blanje c Neutron..then,
neutron walks into a bar; he asks the bartender, 'How much for a beer?' let my friend pay for it.. The bartender looks at him, and says 'For you, no charge!.'
then,kedue-due atom ni jalan2 masuk bar,,(opss!utk makluman,dorang ni non-muslim,hehe,,)tetibe,,tersrompak dgn mamat name Neutron..these atoms ni baek ati nk blanje c Neutron..then,
neutron walks into a bar; he asks the bartender, 'How much for a beer?' let my friend pay for it.. The bartender looks at him, and says 'For you, no charge!.'
haha,,dh la,,mls nk merapu lagi,sebenarnye ni citer lawak,kalo korang x gelak baek bc skali lg,,,,then,kalo x phm jugak citer aku ni tulung la refer balik buku text kimia form 4,,basic 2 weii,,,adoyai,,
pndai nyer cikgu wani...
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